Part 2: Paying for Medications

Sickle cell medications do not come cheap. With copays of 15-30% on prescriptions, your out of pocket costs can grow drastically. If you are on a fixed income, or don’t make much, it can get hard. Here are some resources that might be able to help.

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Sickle Cell and Overcoming Addiction

This is the second part of the series, read the first part HERE. So now that we know what isn’t addiction…the next question is: what is? Once again I will rely on the combined definition of the American Pain and Addiction organizations. Addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors…

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Sickle Cell and Drug Addiction: Definitions

Addiction is very easy to stumble into and very hard to get out of, especially when you have a chronic medical condition that requires some form of pain management therapy. We do give medical professionals alot of flack for treating us all like drug addicts; but those negative attitudes had to have come from somewhere.…

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SC Remedy: Dioscovite

For the last few years, many people have come to me asking about the efficacy of Dioscovite. I have never taken it, but I know many sickle cell warriors have with varied results. Some have said that it takes away daily pain completely, while others said that it eliminates their crises. On the other hand,…

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Nicosan Testimonial

One of my readers who has been on Nicosan for about a year now, has written this wonderful review that I would like to share with everyone. If anyone else has a Nicosan story that they would love to share; good, bad or indifferent; please send it my way. Also, if you would like to…

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Taking Nicosan and Hydroxyurea

I got a question today that I couldn’t answer. Has anyone taken Nicosan WITH Hydroxyurea? Did you notice a difference? Have you had any side effects? Please share your story, either via comments or through my email. Thanks!

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Nicosan and Tylenol

I ordered some for my fiancé and noticed it says u have to be careful when taking it with Tylenol. Which is in about every pain med used except a couple. What problems can you have using Tylenol and Nicosan together do u know? I know you aren’t a doctor but if you know anything…

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Nicosan Skeptics—I need your story!

I got a question from one of my readers that I couldn’t answer. I used to be a skeptic and require facts, figures and statistics; but I think I’m too much of a Nicosan believer to be able to answer this. My baby is also on NICOSAN. Can’t dream of taking her off it!!!! My…

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