NICHQ Webinar: Appointment Attendance

Increasing Appointment Attendance: A Vital Opportunity to Improve Health Outcomes for Those Living with Sickle Cell Diseases

August 10, 2020, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET

To make health outcomes better, national rules for routine follow-up appointment every six months. More often for patients on specific drugs or having probelms. Yet, a 2019 national study showed that a majority of patients, both children and adults, miss clinic appointments. However this means that a large number of patients with SCD may miss out on things that could make their health and quality of life better.

In addition, to better know what makes the high rate of missed appointments, NICHQ asked patients and providers questions. Now, we’re inviting all SCD stakeholders—health professionals, service providers, patients, and families—to join NICHQ for a live-webinar where we’ll share our findings and talk about changes.

In sum, this webinar will:

  1. Share key takeaways from the national study on how many people with SCD go to their appointment
  2. Share findings from the stakeholder interviews, including common reasons behind missed appointments and suggestions for increasing appointment attendance
  3. Discuss how COVID-19 impacts going to appointments
  4. Facilitate an open talk on systems-, hospital- and individual-level ways to up appointment attendance

In sum, register here by clicking this link.

Find out more about how we help our own community by reading this post on the SCW website.

SC Warrior
