April Fools Joke..not cool

Hello darlings,

In the interest of full disclosure, I must state that I had pain this week. I actually had to call off of work on April 1st. The pains started as they normally did, twinges here and there, L1s, nothing major, and I ignored them, thinking it was a fluke and would just go away.

However it could not be denied and less than an hour later I was shivering under the blankets in L3 pain all over my body. I had to dig through several boxes to get to my pain medicine (it’s been so long, I’d started misplacing them!). I took a Benadryl/Dilaudid mix, 2 Nicosan and some Motrin.

It was so bad…it wasn’t the worst pain that I’ve ever had, but I haven’t had pain in so long that I think I have totally forgotten how bad it could get and how to deal. I was shocked at first, and then rapidly unable to cope, crying and everything. So. Not. Pretty. It was so weird, almost surreal like it wasn’t me in pain…after all, I was at 11 months pain free!


The good news is that once the pain meds kicked in (or maybe the Benadryl) I fell asleep and woke up hours later with localized pain in one leg only. That quickly dissipated throughout the course of the next day and by the 3rd I was right as rain, with only my track record tarnished. My body totally played an April Fools prank on me, breaking my 11 month pain free streak!

Looking on the bright side, it could have been alot worse. I could have been in the hospital in full blown crises mode getting pumped full of pints of blood and poked a bajillion times a day. Okay, that does put stuff in perspective. I’ve truly been blessed.

Hope everyone is enjoying this fine spring weather. And to those that have written in, I will be responding posthaste, I just have to wade through tons of correspondence at the moment.

Ciao everyone…hope you are all well.

1 thought on “April Fools Joke..not cool”

  1. I was wandering on google when I stumbled on this site, sc warrior. Well am a sickle cell warrior too if I must confess. I suffer painful crisis also. But ever since I was born my crisis has never been the recurrent one, I mean I don’t visit hospital very often. I am 26years of age now and have only taken blood transfusion twice in my life. The crisis that had me got my last transfusion is d crisis that I would never forget so easily. The pain crisis was so intense that the aftermath got my right hip shifted. Now when I walk I limp. After the serious crisis, that was when I got to know about nicosan, and I have started taking the drug. But it won’t take long after that before I got to know about dioscovite. My dilemma now is, can I take both nicosan and dioscovite together, if not which one is better for SCD patient to take between both of them????
    More over I am a law undergraduate of one of the prestigious university in nigeria which is university of lagos. My actual fear is not now, my fear is when I finish from school. I have been told that law practice is rigorous, it has also been portrayed that only the strong can be able to cut his teeth from the profession. My dream when I finish from the law program is combining helping SC patient with my practice of law. What I really want to ask now is that whether law is just too big a job for an SC patient? Again would i also be able to run around like other people free of SCD to make it in the profession? Also, can I also combine the creation of an NGO strictly for SC patient with law practice?? Please I need answers to all these my questions.

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