Swimming with Sickle Cell

I got a question from a reader in Egypt that loves to swim but has a painful episode after each swimming session. For sickle cell warriors, my advice is not to swim in cold water. The main thing about swimming is that it drops your core body temperature, increasing the work load of your circulatory…

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Exercising with Sickle Cell Anemia

My newest fetish is hitting the gym. I love going to the gym. My doc says it’s okay as long as I hydrate and don’t overdo anything. There is something about pushing my body to it’s limit that makes me feel absolutely invigorated. As the blood pumps through when I’m doing my cardio, I can…

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Exercise & Diet

One of the perks I guess of having sickle cell is that it keeps me in my ideal weight zone. My BMI never goes above 20, mainly because when I do start gaining weight…one crises has the power of taking off 10 pounds in a week. Right now I’m a luscious 135…my ideal weight for…

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