My dearest sister shared this with me today, and since my Muse is sleeping, I figured I would share this with all of you.
The Two-edged promise
He never promised that our cross would not get heavy,
or that the hills would all be easy to climb.
He never promised a life exempt of pain and sorrow,
or that every day the sun was sure to shine.
He never promised that my friends would all be faithful,
or that every word that’s spoken of me would be kind.
He never promised fame or fortune, or earthly treasures,
or that the rainbow’s pot of gold I’d really find.
He promised never to leave me, nor forsaken would I be.
My debt he paid, erased all sin, from prison set me free.
He promised me a Mansion, a sidewalk paved with gold,
My body changed now glorified, his face my eyes shall see.
He promised when in faith I ask, the answer I’ll receive.
When I say, “ mountain be removed,” it jumps into the sea.
He promised my feet, would be removed from the miry clay,
When on the solid rock I stand, he’s there right next to me.