6th annual leadership summit online poster

SCCC Leadership Summit

Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc. (SCW) is excited to be part of the SCCC Leadership Summit.  
On Wednesday, at 530pm PST, SCW will share some of our exciting new programs and initiatives during the  CBO Roundup. 

For the first time ever, the Leadership Summit is open to the general public. This includes all SCD stakeholders! It’s not too late.  You can still register and join! Sign up here!

Event open to all interested in or affected by #sicklecelldisease! Yes this includes you!  All SCD advocates, families, leaders, researchers, allied health, social workers, leaders, health care professionals, academia, scientists, legislators, sponsors, and most importantly;  warriors, and caregivers can attend. 
If you wish to learn what’s happening in the sickle cell community, this virtual globally available event is for you! 

Register now! The event starts today April 27 and runs until May 2, 2022.  All online!
SCW will happily expound on our programs and services today during the CBO Roundup event. SCW’s Spotlight is at 5:30pm EST, 4:30 CST, 3:30 PST.

Joining the CBO roundup LIVE today makes you eligible to Win Free prizes ($150 value). 
Join the event LIVE and be entered to win amazing prizes worth $150 each! During each CBO session, 4 lucky winners get prizes worth $150 each! Attend the entire Roundup LIVE and You have over 60 chances to win! 

 Join us live to be entered for games where 4 attendees will receive amazing prizes ($150 value).   There will be 4 prizes offered to attendees who join us live. 

Register here: https://www.sicklecellevents.org/registration

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