Plans and Updates

In July I have 2 trips planned, one to visit my family in Indiana and another to see my friend in Canada. I’m really excited and can’t wait, but you know I’m still filled with the trepidation that every sickle cell warrior goes through when the holiday time comes around—Am I Going to Fall Sick? My last trip flying to Hawaii was filled with pains and rigors, and of course a major crises when I got home. Although it’s not in my usual routine to be sick in July—there is always the first time for everything.

Today was my first day of classes, I’m finally going back to school for my advanced degree. It’s so weird having to learn APA style all over again for school, but I’m sure that I’ll get used to it after a while. Why—oh why do they make us use APA?

About Nicosan, alls well on that front. No major changes so far from the last report. I told my mom about it so hopefully she will score a few bottles on her way over here to visit. So all in all this has been a pretty good week for me, just a couple of minor L2s daily and nothing requiring narcs this week. Yay! Go me!

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