Nicosan News

Okay, sorry I haven’t been posting in a while…real life has me in knots. But…I’m very heartened by all the wonderful emails I’ve been getting from everyone who has gotten their Nicosan and has started using it. I love hearing whatever feedback you have…and I’m sure that this will serve as an inspiration to others. So send in your comments!

From the time of diagnosis in May my daughter kept getting crisis after crisis. I’ll say about 4/5 in two months. It was mainly swollen feet and fingers. Took my baby for vaccination yesterday and did a blood test. HB came out at 13.3. The last had been 8. I am so excited. Soon as I got the news came home and went on my knees to give praise and Glory back to God. She has been on it [Nicosan] for a month now. The doctors here were very impressed with the blood results. I decided not to tell them when I started her on it because I didn’t want anyone to discourage me…NK

Rock on! That’s so great! Here’s one from another user with Sickle cell thallesemia…

He’s been on it for about a week now and we’re keeping a diary to mark his progress. There hasn’t been too much so far, of course, but we’re taking pleasure in the little things we’ve seen: mild to moderate pain at night, as opposed to mild to moderate pain all night and day. A little less yellow in the eyes. A bit more energy, not enough to run marathons, but enough to notice something different. Some things, however, have been strange. He has less pain in his bigger body parts, like legs and arms, but it’s moved to smaller parts like his fingers and knuckles. Even had one in his toe the other day, and he said that’s never happened. I joked that the remaining sickled cells were trying to hide wherever they could, since Nicosan is rebuilding all the bad stuff in him already, lol.~TM

So…what’s your Nicosan story?

SC Warrior
