Nicosan Research Study

Hey everyone,

I’m seriously trying to set up a study dealing with Nicosan. The question in my last post has me thinking that there are some unanswered questions. The think most of the skepticism does come from the fact that it’s an African herbal remedy versus a Westernized one.

There isn’t enough documentation and evidenced based research out there to support Nicosan from the medical perspective. I’ve gotten alot of questions that even I don’t know the answers to, mainly because Nicosan is a medication that has worked for me….but I rarely know how it has been to everyone else.

So here is where you come in. Whoever has tried Nicosan, is on Nicosan and whoever is thinking of getting on it, please email me. I would like to send you a questionaire with just a few simple questions to check out your response. The results will be published anonymously, and the only person that will know the connection will be yours truly.

I can’t be a research party of one. The more the merrier.

Email me at vixentales at gmail.

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