Working Overtime

I’ve really been feeling ‘off’ all week since I pulled a double at work. I know, I know–I shouldn’t have, but the money was too good, and my birthday is coming up so I needed it hardcore. Anyway, I slept the first day after that, and pretty much rested up the next day after that, but I don’t think that was enough to counteract the effects of staying up working for close to 20 hours.

My mom says that I bring the crises down on myself—for not taking it easy. I HATE taking it easy, it’s hard enough having SS without sitting out on the sidelines of life in the guise of taking it easy. Sheesh!

Okay, I know she’s right, if there is one big issue I have—it’s lack of self control. I can’t say no when my body is telling me no. Here’s what the convo with my body vs. me goes like.

Boss: Vixen, do you want to work a double?
Body: Oh hell no, you only got 6 hours of sleep last night and you are already tired. You need to go home and rest.
Me: Well, the money will make it worth it.
Body: What good is money when you are racked out in pain?
Me: Shush, I’ll be fine, I’ll just pop some pain meds
Body: You’re a fuckin’ idiot. Say no!

Me to Boss: Yes, I”ll do it.
Body: Dumbass.

So now I’m paying for it.

SC Warrior


  1. El on April 5, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    This is the second article I have read on this site as I have just discovered it.
    But this made me laugh out loud. I can relate totally with this conversation, I’ve learnt from my mistake and yet I still do it!
