Success Begins with You!

Tosin explains how you can have a successful and happy life with sickle cell. Once we shift our mentality, we all can achieve all our goals and dreams.

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Filing a Complaint in the Hospital

Once in a while, you might get treated with less-than compassionate care. Get the 4-1-1 on how to file a complaint and make sure it doesn’t happen to you (or anyone else) ever again.

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Part 2: Paying for Medications

Sickle cell medications do not come cheap. With copays of 15-30% on prescriptions, your out of pocket costs can grow drastically. If you are on a fixed income, or don’t make much, it can get hard. Here are some resources that might be able to help.

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Poem: I Am a Warrior

Check out the inspiring poetry written by two of our very own Facebook compadres. I AM a Warrior is dedicated to you, and all SC warriors out there.

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Sickle Cell and Overcoming Addiction

This is the second part of the series, read the first part HERE. So now that we know what isn’t addiction…the next question is: what is? Once again I will rely on the combined definition of the American Pain and Addiction organizations. Addiction is a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors…

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